Pastor Tom Sharon


The Reverend Thomas P. Sharon was the solo pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Freeport, Texas since October 2006. Tom is a second career pastor, and this is the first congregation at which he has served.

Pastor Sharon has a passion for the missional and connectional identity of the Presbyterian Church and the larger Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. During his ministry he was active in these ways.

Under Pastor Sharon’s leadership, First Presbyterian Church has hosted the monthly Men’s Breakfast, the junior/senior high school math/science competition for NOBCChE (National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers).  They have housed AmeriCorps volunteers for two seasons.  They support the Brazosport Cares food pantry and Salvation Army through monthly offerings. Pregnancy Help Center, Safe Haven, Operation Backpack and Texas Port Ministry are supported through annual special offerings.

Pastor Sharon accepted a call to the chaplaincy ministry in August 2012.

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